Africa Games

Rainforest Logging Game

This African rainforest logging game takes you deep into the heart of the rainforest where you have to take on the loggers to save the trees. Although the rate of logging and deforestation in the Congo area has slowed in recent years, although still just under 4000 square miles a year, the building of logging roads opening up vast swathes of previously unreachable land spreading the incidents of poaching and commercial hunting as well as destruction of natural habitats seeing a 60% drop in the region's forest elephant population in less than ten years. Equally concerning is international agreements to halt or slow the pace of deforestation have often been ignored and international logging companies have entered into social contracts with local populations promising to build schools and other infrastructure in return for logging concessions, but these social resources have, in the main, failed to materialise despite the logging continuing unabated. In this rainforest logging game take on those loggers!



Rainforest Logging Game

Traditional Games

Traditional Africa Games

Africa Theme Games

Africa Themed Games

Africa Map Games

Africa Map Games

Rainforest Games

Rainforest Games