Africa Games

African Jigsaw Puzzle

This African jigsaw puzzle is pretty straight forward to play. As with all jigsaw puzzles you are given a number of blocks and have to use your mouse to drag and click them into the right places to form the picture of an African mask. It's an easier game to play if you start by moving and separating the jigsaw pieces onto the left hand side of your screen and building the picture from there. The history of the African mask can be dated back thousands of years and they were worn to celebrate significant events in the life of a tribe from the harvest to a successful war or peace outcome. The mask often represents the spirit of revered ancestors with the wearer of the mask believed to be in contact with those ancestors who communicate messages from the past to help the present and future. When you have completed this African jigsaw puzzle, why not check out and play some of our other African puzzle games?



African Jigsaw Puzzle

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