Africa Games

Rubber Band Game

In rural Africa children don't play with computers. They don't even have electricity. In rural Africa even though football is the national support, most children and their families can't afford a football so they make them using rags, plastic bottles and other waste all wrapped up with rubber bands to make something they can kick around. In other areas they also use plastic rubber bands for games such as hide and seek where the children form teams and try and hit each other by firing rubber bands at the opposing teams. It's cheap, its fun and burns off more calories than sitting in front of a screen playing games. Other popular rubber band games played by African children include skipping ropes made from rubber bands joined together and bows for firing using a rubber band for string. After you've played this traditional Africa rubber band game, why not check out and play our other African games, we've got the very best online!


Rubber Band Game

Rubber Band Game

Rubber Band Game

Rubber Band Game


Rubber Band Game

Rubber Band Game

Play our free online Africa rubber band game where across Africa children use the rubber band for many games from making footballs to hide and seek