Africa Games

Egyptian Desert Escape Game

If you were ever lost in the Egyptian desert chances are it would be your final resting place as, even if you did have a map, it wouldn't tell you much. You would just have to rely on the stars and sun for navigation and hope that salvation is around the corner. There are actually seven deserts in Egypt, mostly they form part of the larger Sahara desert that stretches across most of North Africa but, to consider them individually, they are known as the Blue Desert, the Eastern Desert, The Egyptian Sand Sea Desert, the Libyan Desert (that crosses into Egypt), the Qattara Depression Desert, the Sinai Desert and the Wadi El Natrun desert. This is a great escape game but if you get stuck, we've provided a full video walthrough below. After you play this Egyptian desert escape game why not check out and play our other Egyptian themed games including another desert escape game below?



Egyptian Desert Escape Game

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